George Clooney's ex-girlfriend has some interesting things to say about their relationship. Hilary Swank is firing everyone for letting her go to a war criminal's party. Ashley Biden is engaged. Sunday gossip values Elisabetta Canalis' feminine side, too.

  • When we mentioned yesterday that George Clooney's ex-girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis describes her romance with Clooney as "a father-daughter relationship," we chalked it up to her being Italian. But lot of commenters felt that the quotes from Canalis new book (as translated by People) were maybe implying... something else:
  • Praising the Oscar winner, 50, as "the person who valued my feminine side the most" [...] Canalis, 33, went on to say, "he has been a special for me, and very important, just as a father would be." Asked by Vespa to elaborate, she said, "between us there was more of a father-daughter relationship. I was unable to clarify this up 'til now."

  • [...]

  • "George and I never spoke of marriage nor of having kids," she says. "I don't put limits to the possibility of having them, but neither George nor I had ever envisaged having kids together. The end of the relationship was not caused by a marriage issue, but instead by our personal needs."

  • Heh. I suppose I can see why you'd get "gay" from that? For the record, we've said before that Clooney is probably straight (our evidence: what gay guy would put up with Renee Zellweger?)—but! As with any star, the rumors are definitely out there, and Canalis and her ghostwriter (or the translators at People) don't seem to care about putting them to rest. [People]
  • Hilary Swank is firing her manager and two of her agents after being criticized for attending a concert thrown for Chechen president Ramzan Kadyrov, who's been accused of, among other things, "having sex while being observed by prisoners from his private jail, located in the village of Tsentoroi; the onlookers are forced to masturbate." Oh, so basically the Oscars without the technical awards? Am I right? Boom! [TMZ]
  • According to a sharia-compliant statement from the so-called "White House," Joe Biden's daughter Ashley, a dangerous pot addict, is engaged to marry Dr. Howard Krein, a physician allegedly specializing in "Otalaryngology and Facial and Reconstructive Surgery." The marriage will be officiated by Bill Ayers. [Us]
  • Susan Sarandon's daughter Eva Amurri married former MLS player Kyle Martino in Charleston, S.C. on Saturday. What is it with Sarandon women and people who play fake sports? [People]

[image via AP]