We all suspected recently deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi would be the world's worst pen pal. This is correct: He once sent a virulently anti-American letter to some random Brooklyn florist who collects letters from world leaders.

Louis Schlamowitz has two "rambling letters" and four signed photographs from the late Colonel Gaddafi, according to the New York Times. He got his first one after sending Gaddafi a "congratulations" note when he took power in a military coup in 1969. (Hallmark ought to roll out a line of those.)

One of Gaddafi's letters to Schlamowitz, who is Jewish, reads:

"America practices terrorism against the Palestinian people through providing Israel with the planes and weapons for attacking the Palestinian camps."

Oh, and how are the kids? al-Saadi still into soccer? Great, send my wishes to the blond Ukranian nurse!

[Image via Getty]