This A-lister has a rare disease that's affecting his work. This singer mouthed off about her rival, and these network co-stars are having an affair. Now that is certainly not a rare condition.

1. "This A list actor from several cult-favorite movies is dealing with a rare health condition that is affecting his work. He's terrified for anyone outside of his camp to know that he is sick because it could affect future roles." [BuzzFoto]

2. "This diva had a little too much to drink at a recent Halloween party. She was fine until someone brought up the name of another female artist. Our diva began mocking her rival. When someone made the mistake of coming to the rival's defense, our diva went ballistic, and started screaming at them: 'That bitch destroyed my career! Don't you ever, EVER mention her name in front of me again!' The defender backed off, and everyone else gave the diva a wide berth for the rest of the evening." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This one was a shocker to even my jaded self. Two co-stars. Network show. Both married. Both B+ listers with very long careers. Lots of bad luck with shows in the past although each has struck gold at one point. I cannot even fathom the two of them together, but they are. Like all over each other on a daily basis. When the crew started noticing what was going on, I think they were all just as crushed as I am. Two great families being torn apart by a couple of people who wanted some sex with each other." [CDaN]