Lindsay Lohan Sentenced to Jail Again, Despite Best Court Outfit Yet

Sexy crypt keeper Lindsay Lohan is heading back to jail, Judge Stephanie Sautner announced today after finding the troubled starlet in violation of her probation yet again.
Lindsay admitted to violating yet another probation (itself punishment for other probation violations, two DUIs, and a shoplifting charge) by skipping therapy sessions and getting kicked out of a community service program. Judge Sautner sentenced Lindsay to 30 days in jail, of which she will likely serve no more than six. Judge Sautner also restructured Lindsay's probation to make it harder for her to shirk. This is considered a win for Lindsay, because she could have been sentenced to multiple months in the slammer; TMZ says they heard the chronic criminal muttering "Thank God" as she sauntered out of court.
But the real news here is how cute Lindsay looks! Last time she was in court she was a rotten-toothed zombie. This time, she's pure Roxie Hart. [TMZ, images via Splash]