William Adams, the Texas judge who was filmed beating his daughter Hillary in a video uploaded to YouTube by Hillary herself, won't face criminal charges. But that hasn't stopped him from accusing his daughter of releasing the video only because he was going to take away her car!

Because the statute of limitations for child abuse is five years, and the video was filmed in 2004, the Aransas County District Attorney can't file charges:

"I would expect that yeah, charges would have been pursued but for the inability to proceed due to the statute of limitations," [District Attorney Patrick] Flanigan said Friday. "You know, whether that would have been a felony or a misdemeanor charge I can't say but I think there would've been some action pursued."

Adams is still under investigation by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct. He released a long statement on Thursday, questioning Hillary Adams' motive in uploading the tape:

"If the public must know, just prior to the you tube upload, a concerned father shared with his 23-year-old daughter that he was unwilling to continue to... be her primary source of financial support... Hillary warned her father if he reduced her financial support, and took away her Mercedes automobile, which her father had provided, he would live to regret it. The post was then uploaded."

Sure sounds like a concerned father! You can read the whole statement here.

[KRIS-TV, image of Hillary via AP]