This TV star is having trouble at work and at home because she can't stop cutting her arms. This teen superstar broke up with his girlfriend so he went off for some rebound sex—with a guy he met at a gay club. Hopefully there were no razors involved.

1. "This B list television and movie actress who is more into television right now with her long running series has some severe cutting issues. She cuts herself so frequently that she has to get to makeup several hours ahead of time and is wearing much more long sleeve outfits on her show. Plus, it also caused her significant other to leave her because he just could not handle coming home and always finding bloody towels everywhere." [CDaN]

2. "This teen heartthrob recently spent the night hanging out at a club in Los Angeles. Not a big deal, since he broke up with his girlfriend months ago. While everyone wanted to dance with him, he quickly zeroed in on one particular tall willowy blond, and the two spent a good part of the evening dancing and grinding together. He wound up taking the lucky one home, presumably for a romantic night together. Did we mention that this was a gay club, and that the blond was another guy? The heartthrob's ex-girlfriend would not be surprised at all about this, nor would she care. She's already moved on to her next beard." [Blind Gossip]