Facebook Is the Final Frontier in Amateur Porn

The internet is no longer sated by poorly-lit shoots and shaky cameras. Amateur porn needs to be even more amateur. The cutting-edge of online smut is stalker porn: private sexy pics posted without their subjects' consent, paired with a screenshot of their Facebook profile.
That's the model that's made IsAnyoneUp.com (NSFW) an increasingly popular destination in online porn, with 30 million pageviews a month. The site features nude pictures of young men and women, along with their real names and their Facebook account. Most of the pictures look like they were meant for private sexts with a lover, not the entire internet, and that's because many of them were.
At The Awl, Danny Gold has a great profile of 25-year-old Hunter Moore, the proprietor of IsAnyoneUp. Moore regularly posts nude pics anonymously submitted by spurned ex-lovers without their subjects' consent. He refuses to take them down, no matter how many anguished emails and legal threats he gets.
"What do I have to defend myself against?," he told the Awl. "It comes down to, you're fucking stupid and I'm making money off your mistakes. It might sound rough, but how else are you going to learn not to do this again? It's like you're playing Russian Roulette like, oh, let's hope this doesn't get out."
There's not much Moore's subjects can do to get their pictures taken down—all the pics are user submitted, so he's protected by the Communications Decency Act of 1996. In fact, attempts to evade IsAnyoneUp's attention seems to get Moore and his fans off even more. When one of IsAnyoneUp's subjects tried to vanish online, Moore put out a "hoember alert" for her:
A Hoember Alert is when someone goes missing on any of the social networks online, this cookie monster has unfortunately gone homeber.She deleted her fb and twitter and everything else, i'm really worried she has a kid or something. if you have any information please contact me at isanyoneup@gmail.com
A few days later, Moore had found and posted the girl's new Facebook profile, no doubt helped by Facebook's draconian real name policy. Moore's like a dark Mark Zuckerberg, exploiting people's openness through smut, not ads.
Stalker porn should make you think twice the next time you sext your significant other. It also requires your Facebook account to be wide open, so lock that down tight. The embarrassment of showing up on IsAnyoneUp must be awful—but that's nothing compared to the fact that your mistake is making people like Hunter Moore rich.