Two collisions took two lives within four hours of each other on San Diego's Interstate 8 today. Not particularly newsworthy. Add to the story the fact that the victims were father and teenage son, and you get one hell of a chilling tragedy.

The 16-year-old son was the passenger in a Toyota pickup being driven by his mother. The truck skidded off the freeway and rolled, possibly due to a blown tire. The boy was thrown from the vehicle and killed instantly.

Four hours later, the boy's father was killed in a head-on collision driving the wrong way on the same freeway. The accident is being investigated as a suicide, as the father was reportedly deeply distraught over news of his son and had "angrily blamed his wife" for the accident. The passengers in the second vehicle, who also happened to be a father and his 19-year-old son, were airlifted to a nearby hospital with "moderate" injuries. [LA Times, Image via LAT]