Facebook Is Investigating the Huge Cocks Spamming Your Newsfeed

Good news! Facebook is aware of the hardcore porn and gross violent images that have been flooding the site for the past two days. And they're working to get to the bottom of the Great Porn Flood of 2011.
Facebook told ZDnet: "Protecting the people who use Facebook from spam and malicious content is a top priority for us and we are always working to improve our systems to isolate and remove material that violates our terms. We have recently experienced an increase in reports and we are investigating and addressing the issue."
In the meantime, penises, boobs and gore continue to infest Facebook. A new spam image is terrorizing poor moms who just want to tend to their Farmville farm: Justin Bieber photoshopped to look like he's, uh, serenading a giant cock. If you see your coworker flushing their eyes with lemon juice in the bathroom, this could be why!
The porn flood is now officially the funniest thing to happen on Facebook, ever.