[There was a video here]

Today is the last day on the air for Regis Philbin, the man with the most hours on camera according to the Guinness Book of World Records. We've been watching the show all month and it's pretty clear that it's his time to go. Have a look at this video—compiled by Gawker intern Roger Cormier—to see just a few of the things Regis got wrong this month alone.

Regis, God love him, keeps having what your mom or the old lady in accounting calls "senior moments" in which he forgets things, can't pronounce names properly, yells at people, or leaves the set early to have dinner at 6pm. While we didn't catch him doing the last thing on camera, he certainly did the rest.

[There was a video here]

But then today Kelly Ripa, one of the Sorcerer's Apprentice walking mops that is his co-host on Live with Regis and Kelly, gave him a wonderful and teary goodbye. Damn you, Kelly, you made us even miss Regis a bit. Now we better get off his lawn before he comes out on the porch in his bathrobe to yell at us.

[Video by Roger Cormier]