These actresses made the ends meet with the world's oldest profession. This actress is ashamed of her old job. And this actress is running a welfare scheme. They all work hard for their money, so you better treat them right!

1. "Quite some time ago, I had a little tiny blind item about these two and how they are basically hookers. Later I had another little item about one of the two. Well, today, I thought I would write a little more about their escapades. Oh, I like that word. I bet some teen mom has named their kid Escapade and meant Escalade. Anyway, these two started out hooking about ten years ago. I can't believe it has been that long. At that time they started out at the same level fame wise. Hooker #1 had some early fame and got her own reality show and then that came and went and she had to go back to hooking. Now we are not talking about standing on street corners or being an escort somewhere. They basically just let it be known they were available for a price. Hooker #2 was jealous of Hooker #1's early fame but Hooker #2 has skyrocketed past Hooker #1 in the fame department and now the two people who used to have the $10,000 a night combo special together do not even talk. If you ever saw Hooker #1 on a talk show or a guest spot on a television show, you can put it in the bank it is because she slept with someone. Usually they would be customers who would trade her a spot for free sex for a month. Hooker #1 used to command $5000 a night and at one point had slept with just about the entire NY Yankees roster. Now though, time has worn her down some and she gets about $1500 a night and has been forced to have sex with executives rather than celebrities or stars. The good news for her is that she has started to get some job offers from her new customers. Hooker #1 also introduced Hooker #2 to one of her most famous boyfriends. After paying for Hooker #1, he found out that Hooker #2 was available and it was the last time the duo ever did one of their combos. " [CDaN]

2. "There's a reason this reality star doesn't want information about her past coming to light. It's not just because she is embarrassed about her past profession. It's because her manager from that past profession has a big mouth. He will tell anyone who will listen about the very special gift he purchased for her that she still displays very proudly—her breast implants. He is also likely to spill all the juicy details about her hot affair with the super-wealthy man for whom she was ready to ditch her husband. Yes, despite her protestations, the girl is definitely a gold-digger. BTW, the rich guy wouldn't marry her, so she had to settle for her husband." [Blind Gossip]

3. "This D List actress has a stage name that we know her by, but under her real name, she is managing to collect government benefits by fudging the numbers on her income." [BuzzFoto]