High School Newspaper Scoops New York Times on Hot Planking Story

The eagle-eyed New York Times has noticed the curious planking fad, just seven months after everyone else did. The annoying internet trend of newspaper articles about planking just won't go away.
The Times' Style section motto is: "If you can't be the first to spot a trend, you might as well be last." How else to explain this new, comically belated trend piece on planking, the viral scourge that nearly destroyed the internet this spring and summer? Or as the Times describes the trend for the members of an isolated Amazonian tribe who haven't heard of planking yet: "The viral meme... where participants lie flat and stiff, with nose and belly to the ground, to emulate of all things a wooden plank."
Or maybe the Times is just following the reporting of The Orange Glen High School student newspaper The Musket, which noticed planking six days ago.