New School Occupation Pits Student Against Student

We've received a tip from a very angry graduate student at the New School, the fancy New York City liberal arts school that has seen its student center occupied since Thursday. The damn occupiers are trashing the place!
New School president David Van Zandt has allowed students to occupy a building on 14th Street that houses the New School Student Center, probably wanting to avoid the debacle of a 2009 occupation that ended in tears (caused by police tear gas). He even said students from other schools could come by if they didn't have the $20,000 a semester needed to study at New School, as long as they don't damage the property.
But one graduate student is not happy. Writes our counterrevolutionary tipster: "I am a graduate student @ the new school and want these protestors evicted. They have defaced our study space and stand for nothing."
Take a look at these rare pics from inside the occupation of the New School—the media has been banned—and judge for yourself. The occupation of New School does seem to rely heavily on shitty graffiti.

Some interesting demands.

Woah. Mind blown.