Texas court-at-law judge William Adams—who became the Internet's top persona non grata after his daughter Hillary posted a video showing him viciously beating her in 2004—has been suspended with pay while Texas' Commission on Judicial Conduct continues investigating him. He still doesn't admit guilt, though!

After all, the beating was "not as bad as it looks on tape," according to William Adams. He's just giving his objective judge's opinion.

News of Adams' suspension comes on the same day that Texas attorney David Sibley filed a seven-page complaint accusing him of making up his own laws as he went along and, to put it mildly, being the worst family law judge imaginable. Under Adams' Rules of Evidence, children who claim to be abuse victims are never to believed! Wonder why he came up with that one:

"Judge Adams created nonexistent law," Sibley writes, "stating that children are 'fantasizers' and the statements of children amount to 'no evidence'. The child's statements were corroborated in several ways and were believable."

Last year Sibley appeared before Adams in a custody case in which the child alleged abuse. Adams "concealed the fact that a primary care giver was homicidal, suicidal, hallucinatory, psychotic, heavily drugged, etc.," Sibley claims. He believes Adams should have recused himself because of the nature of his business relationship with the opposing attorney in the case.

Meanwhile, Adams is still trying to retain custody of his 10-year-old daughter, and appeared in court for a hearing yesterday. Jesus, this guy must never leave the courthouse! Then again, he won't be spending as much time there now that he's been suspended.