Miley Cyrus is smoking more than just salvia. Prince William saves two lives. Brad and Jennifer narrowly miss an awkward run-in. Sunday gossip is going to go hang out in the cemetery.

  • Miley Cyrus celebrated her 19th birthday last week at the Roosevelt Hotel in L.A., where she was joined by her parents, Kelly Osbourne, Rumer Willis, and "furries and a number of dwarfs, including a mini-Nicki Minaj." The highlight of the party, which The Daily has on tape, was Cyrus being presented with her Bob Marley-shaped cake:
  • [T]he former "Hannah Montana" star cracks, "You know you're a stoner when friends make you a Bob Marley cake—you know you smoke way too much f***in' weed."

  • "I thought salvia was your problem, man?" retorts Osbourne.

  • Sigh. Is there anything more annoying, in that embarrassing recognition of one's past way, than 19-year-olds talking about how much pot they smoke? [The Daily]
  • Prince William, a Royal Air Force rescue pilot, saved the lives of two Russian sailors after their boat's hull cracked in bad weather early Sunday morning. Stranded in the freezing cold Irish sea, the Russians simply thought of William's beautiful wedding, and his enduring love for his bride, and were given the strength they needed to swim back to Russia. [People]
  • T.I. lashed out against the powerful Gay Agenda, telling Vibe magazine:
  • "They're like,‘If you have an opinion against us, we're gonna shut you down.' ... That's not American. If you're gay you should have the right to be gay in peace, and if you're against it you should have the right to be against it in peace."

  • Oh, shut up, T.I. [TMZ]
  • Here's a juicy story! Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt nearly ran into each other at the movie theater! Pitt was seeing Hugo with his kids, while Aniston was trying to get the high score on Cruising U.S.A. [People]
  • Really, though: "furries and a number of dwarfs, including a mini-Nicki Minaj"?
  • Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes went on a romantic date to Paris' Pere-Lachaise Cemetery, where Gosling noticed a grave Mendes' name on it... date of death: 1896. Noooooooo!!!!!!! "There was a lot of tenderness between them," an observer reports. [NYDN]
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta sent Dancing With the Stars winner J.R. Martinez, an Army vet, a letter of congratulations. "Your spirit captivated the nation and your victory sends a powerful message," Panetta wrote. "Also, can you put in a good word for me with Bergeron?" [People]
  • Lily Cooper, née Allen, gave birth to a baby girl, her first. [Daily Mail]