As a member of the Church of Scientology, Valeska Paris says she lived on the organization's religious cruise ship Freewinds for twelve years, working as a Sea Org manual laborer from the age of 18. Among her tasks: Preparing for Tom Cruise's 42nd birthday party, which Freewinds hosted. Above, Tom hamming it up with singer Stacy Francis at the party.

Paris told Village Voice editor Tony Ortega about the meticulously planned festivities, which Church leader, Cruise tormentor, and goatse shirt enthusiast David Miscavige oversaw:

"David Miscavige saw that I had a cold sore, and I was assigned to lower conditions and I was put in isolation for 4 days," she says. She explains that she was assigned the "condition" of "Treason," which is below "Enemy" but above "Confusion."

"I was in Treason. So I wasn't allowed to go to Tom Cruise's birthday."

"He said, 'Tom Cruise is coming and I need really good service, so who's going to serve him?' A woman spoke up. 'No, no, it can't be a woman, because he's so good looking, any woman would fall for him.' So a guy had to take the job," she says.

Freewinds' laborers decorated the boat with posters from Tom Cruise's movies, and the entertainment was Cruise-themed. Paris continues,

"The band did all the songs from his movies, except the one he did with Nicole." And she says three young women from the IASA—the administration of the International Association of Scientologists—were disciplined after the party. "They were trying to get Tom's attention. So they were put in the engine room."

Ortega's report is a bit messy; miscommunications during his interview with Paris apparently required several corrections. Nevertheless, it's a juicy story that fits with previous reports about the Church of Scientology's rumored human trafficking and unnerving Tom Cruise obsession. [Village Voice]