Chiefs of Staff Are the Hottest New Rich Person Accessory

Chelsea Clinton gave what appears to be her first-ever interview to the New York Times. And we were surprised to learn that the 31-year-old has a "chief of staff." She's not the only one. Ultra-Rich People Trend Alert!
In the New York Times profile of America's Next Top Celebukid "journalist", Chelsea Clinton's brand new chief of staff explains why she felt compelled to boost her personal brand by reporting feel-good drivel for NBC News:
"For a multitude of reasons, she decided the time was right to more publicly own a responsibility she feels to serve in the public good," said Bari Lurie, a former intern in the East Wing of the White House during the Clinton years, whom Ms. Clinton brought on as her chief of staff in September.
Chelsea Clinton has a chief of staff! Wait. Chelsea Clinton has a staff. She must hold emergency meetings in an underground bunker with them whenever the milk runs out in the refrigerator.
In fact, the chief of staff—long relegated to the political and military world—has become increasingly popular among rich and powerful civilians. Arianna Huffington and Daily Beast/Newsweek editor Tina Brown both call their top aides "chief of staff," to the puzzlement of their respective publications' actual staffs. Horrible ABC News President Ben Sherwood posted an ad for his very own chief of staff in October. The chief of staff "facilitates the execution of the President's vision and priorities through coordinating information, communications and resources," according to the listing.
Chiefs of staff signal a new era in rich people self-importance. Back in the old Devil Wears Prada days it was enough to just torment and abuse your personal assistant(s). Now you need a personal chief of staff to give your life faux-political gravitas. Rich people's egos have expanded to the size of a nation-state.
Next up: rich people with their own personal armies. Oh, wait.