You know what's more acerbic, saucy and satisfying than a rack of whiskey sour ribs? The witty, boozy banter we share here each week in our Top Chef commenter live blogs. The next one's about to get started down in the comments, so join us!

If you haven't participated in one of these rib-tickling affairs before, here's all you need to do: Settle down in front of the TV with your laptop or keyboard handy, watch tonight's episode (which airs at 10 pm Eastern on Bravo), and join the rest of us as we post a running commentary on the show in the comments section below this post. You may also choose to consume alcoholic beverages or food in the process—or even combine the two by pouring the former all over the latter. Why not? You're in your own home! Who's gonna know?

To provide an inkling of just how acerbic the boozy-sauciness here can get, I've collected a few of my favorite comments from our last live blog in a separate post. Other highlights from last week included the following:

  • When Ty-Lör Boring casually mentioned that he'd "cooked for Bill Gates," commenter Heneage retorted: "Just because Bill Gates stopped at the Cinnabon you manage at the Miami-Dade airport doesn't mean you've ‘cooked' for him."
  • We all had fun hating on the vapid, nouveau-riche couples who hosted each course of the "progressive dinner party" challenge. As commenter Miltonista mused, "They must have called it ‘progressive' because the people got progressively worse."
  • When Chris Jones' "whimsical" stogie-sculptured dessert failed to impress the judges, commenter BabyJane paraphrased Sigmund Freud in observing: "Sometimes a cigar just tastes like a cigar."
  • Judges Padma Lakshmi and Gail Simmons wore dinner dresses so boobtacular we held a vote on which cleavage was more impressive. The result was a tie, so we may need to settle the "duel of the décolletages" with an additional run-off vote in the comments tonight.
  • We were bummed when Chuy's chewy salmon dish got him sent home "on the midnight train to halfway-between-California-and-Mexico," as commenter PJamma put it. Our favorite chefs are falling like soufflés this season!

Anyway, as the Monkees once sang, that was then, and this is now. So here's a little taste of what's in store tonight:

  • In the quickfire challenge, the chefs will have to make a dish derived from one of the four "mother sauces" of French cuisine. Thankfully, despite that name, none of these sauces contains breastmilk.
  • In the elimination challenge, the chefs will create steak dishes for the Dallas Cattle Baron's Ball. I'm sure this will be a very good ball, because cattle barons' balls are among the biggest and best balls in the world. Or so I'm told.
  • Yet another chef will cut himself and bleed all over the kitchen. This time it's Ty-Lör, who will refuse a medic's advice to get stitches and continue to prepare steaks instead. Mmmm… "red wine reduction," anyone?

Speaking of wine, now's a good time to go grab a glass if you want some, because this live blog's about to get started. I'll see you down in the comments!