This actor not only has a tiny dick but sucks in bed. This sitcom star had a secret about Natalie Wood's death, this celeb's pregnancy is a total fake, and this actress is making bank off staged paparazzi pictures. We all have our secrets and shortcomings.

1. "This foreign born A list movie actor who has not done much with his A list status so is probably slipping to B has run through many women during his time in Hollywood. The problem is they all know of his umm shortcomings in the bedroom. Not only his tiny endowment, but also the fact that he has some premature problems if you know what I mean. He tried dating women from other countries, but they also caught on so now our actor has dated two people in the past two months. Both of them are high school seniors. Legal, but are so excited about dating him they don't care that he is awful in bed and his ego has never been bigger." [CDaN]

2. "What late '70s, early '80s sitcom star went to his grave with a huge secret surrounding the mystery of Natalie Wood's death? The legendary character actor didn't want to get involved in the case, but he wasn't shy about sharing what he knew about that fateful night Natalie drowned off the coast of Catalina Island!" [National Enquirer]

3. "Well, this certainly has been the most incredible pregnancy ever! Bellies growing and shrinking! Breasts swelling and flattening! Prosthetics flopping and popping! Frankly, all this trickery is exhausting, and hasn't been nearly as convincing as she hoped it would be. Therefore, Floppy will be keeping a low profile for the next month. So, she's not really pregnant, but there will be a baby soon. And Floppy has been very busy behind the scenes shaking that baby money tree! Some money is going out (payments to medical professionals who will swear that they were there for the birth), but much, much more money will be coming in. She will be making money off of the fake story of the baby's birth (which will be a C-section for Real Mommy but a 'vaginal' delivery for Floppy). And more money off of the baby photos. And the story of how important it is to her that she "breast-feeds" her baby. And the story of how she lost the "baby weight." And the photos of her "new" body (with no stretch marks!) achieved with grueling workouts and healthy eating. And more stories about how amazingly fast she got back into shape and got back to work. What an incredible woman! Hey, there's serious money to be made off of this baby, and you can be sure that Floppy will 'milk' it for all it's worth." [Blind Gossip]

4. "This star was reported to be carrying a lot of cash lately in public. We know where she got it- lots and lots of staged paparazzi setups. She's getting paid to get her picture taken wherever she goes." [BuzzFoto]

5. "Which Oscar-winning actress caught her then-husband in the middle of a steamy gay encounter with his film's young American co-star? The British couple separated soon after filming ended and divorced two years later. The couple has since remarried, but the young stud has never wed. Who are they?" [National Enquirer]

6. "Which pop star/actress has been feuding with her musician hubby about where to spend the Christmas holidays? The blonde songstress almost choked on her sugar cone at a Beverly Hills ice cream shop as she ranted and raved to her mom about being 'sick and tired' of her husband's whining ways!" [National Enquirer]

7. "This female star of a new hit sitcom cut off her long blonde locks after another huge fight with her husband. And she's been crying the blues to her fellow co-stars that her once-happy marriage is totally on the rocks! Who is she?" [National Enquirer]

8. "What former Hollywood couple's kids have rallied their famous dad to intervene in their mother's no-so-subtle deterioration? The children are worried sick that their celeb mom's personal problems have taken a bigger health toll than she's ready to admit – and they believe dad is the only one who can save her!" [National Enquirer]