Do you like food, television and chat—or at least two of those three things? Take a moment to think about it… OK, time's up. You know the answer is yes! And that means you've just qualified to join our Top Chef live blog. So drop whatever less-than-66%-fun thing you were doing before, and join us in the comments!

Here's how it works: We all turn on our TVs, watch tonight's episode (which starts at 10 pm Eastern on Bravo), and chat, joke, quip or expostulate about the show in the comments section below this post. You may even experience multiple expostulations! I'm not making any promises about that, though… everyone expostulates differently.

I recently experienced multiple spasms of laughter while reading all the comments from our last live blog. You guys are funny! For a sampling of a few of my favorite quips from that one, go here. Other highlights from last week included the following:

  • Chris Jones' silly topknot hairdo earned him several new nicknames—my personal favorite being "Samurai Douche," courtesy of commenter Formerly-Mymustache.
  • Several of our "foodier" commenters discussed edible gifts they were preparing for the holidays, which included homemade dill pickles (Lizawithazee), vodka-soaked blueberries (just.a.smore) and various flavors of chocolate bark (BabyJane). Personally, I'd be happy to receive any one of those things, if not all three.
  • Commenter other_asian thought of a new, Texas-themed way to end each episode: "Instead of ‘pack your knives and go,' Padma should just say ‘Go on, git!'"
  • Some chef named Whitney, whom most of us didn't even recognize, was sent knife-packing. The fact that she was booted for serving undercooked potatos seemed appropriate, given that—as commenter dippitydoo noted-she was about as memorable as a raw potato to begin with.

OK, on to tonight's episode. Here are a few things to what to watch for as we live blog the show, based on what I saw in the preview clips:

  • In the quickfire, the chefs will have to come up with a food that pairs well with tequila. I'd suggest edible worms. Maybe somebody will make maguey worm tacos!
  • The main challenge will feature teams of two fighting to avoid double elimination—and wouldn't you know it: Heather, that woman who bullies and bitches about Bev all the time, will be teamed up with … Bev! What an uncanny coincidence!
  • The guest judge will be Texas chef and k.d. lang doppelganger Tim Love—which is all very nice, but I sure wish the Pee-wee Herman episode would get here soon. Where are you, Pee-wee?

OK gang, it's almost 10 pm—time head down to the comments and chat, drink and be merry—or at least two of those three things. Let's get this expostulate-athon started!