Sure our collective crazy Irish aunt Sinead O'Connor admitted that her "mad search" for some pot on her wedding night helped lead to her breakup with her latest husband after only 16 days, but there is more to the story. Well, just change "pot" with "crack" and you have the whole story.

O'Connor tells The Sun that when she took new husband Barry Herridge, an addiction counselor, on a quest for drugs she ended up with some crack rock instead of pot. Remember, Sinead you sing "Nothing Compares 2 U" not "And I Will Always Love You."

"We ended up in a cab in some place that was quite dangerous.

I wasn't scared - but he's a drugs counselor. What was I thinking?

Then I was handed a load of crack. Barry was very frightened - that kind of messed everything up a bit really."

You think? You think showing a drug counselor crack on his wedding night would make things weird? Really? Oh, crazy aunt Sinead. Maybe she should do a cover of "Solid as a Rock."

[Image via PCN]