Tiger Woods' recluse ex-wife Elin Nordegren got a $100 million dollar settlement after her husband fucked every Brandi, Krystal, and Hooter's Waitress Tammi in the entire country. She has so much money now that she's just wasting it by buying mansions and then ripping them down for fun.

Elin bought this $12 million, six-bedroom mansion on the beach in North Palm Beach, Florida, last March. Now it's just a pile of rubble. She knocked the whole damn thing down so that she could build a whole new house right on top of it. What? That one isn't good enough for you Elin? I bet that house feels like it's owner just went out and found a new house because it was too ugly and didn't like to give BJs and now it's just ruined. Ruined! It doesn't even get a settlement.

Yes, rich people do this shit all the time, and this is how Elin rolls now. God, Elin, why don't you just rub all that hush money right up in our faces, why don't you?

[Image via Pacific Coast News]