We all know that the horribly-named The Out NYC, Manhattan's soon-to-open gay hotel, is definitely going to be embarrassing and that it will probably be very sexxxy. Well, now we have confirmation that it's going to be dirty. Not only are they going to have a hot, young, all-male staff, but they're going to set up single guests together and offer discount rooms for hot guys.

I got a tip from a New York hotel professional who was called in to interview as a concierge "lifestyle consultant" at the still-under-construction hotel. He got a tour of the facilities with the general manager of the hotel and of the attached nightclub, XL, with veteran promoter John Blair. He found out some very interesting things about what to expect.

Apparently there are going to be two "model rooms" in the back of the hotel that will be offered to the more attractive guests of the hotel at a discount. They'll be in the $70-a-night range and our applicant was told that he should suss out hotter guys at the front desk for these rooms. They're hostel-type rooms each with five bunk beds and sharing a communal shower. I guess the thought is that more people will stay there if there are comely guests.

These "models" won't only be scouted at the front desk, but through the hotel's Facebook page and other social media. Speaking of social media, our "lifestyle consultant" said that front desk staff would be key in picking out which guests were single and getting them to sign up for some sort of Out NYC app, where single guests could meet and "greet" each other during their stay in the hotel. Sort of like their own in-house Grindr.

Our mole also found out that the housekeeping staff is going to be all male, hopefully between the ages of 18 and 24, Latino, and handsome. (Madonna would approve, but I don't know that the hotel workers' union would.) Oh, and John Blair is supposedly touting that the VIP room at his resurrected zombie club XL will have a VIP room where the wall is a one-way mirror so those on the dance floor can't see in so patrons are allowed to do whatever they want inside—wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

All of this should really come as no surprise. Many gay resorts around the world peddle in sex, have a hot staff, and want to have "models" around to attract the normals into paying their hard-earned pink dollars to rub elbows with them. And there are plenty of gay travelers who are interested in getting laid on vacation. God knows I am! But the proprietors of The Out NYC (every time you say that name, an It Gets Better Video dies) have a very difficult line to toe. Gay resorts that are glorified bathhouses may be fine in places like Key West and Palm Springs, but in modern NYC, they'll get shut down and "out" of business before they're even in it.