London School of Economics Students Play Nazi-themed Drinking Game, Have Lots of Fun

So you're on the London School of Economics' ski trip for their Athletic Union and bored after a long day of hitting the slopes. You need something to do. Someone suggests a drinking game. But which one? Quarters? Flip-cup? Asshole? Rage cage? No, those are all lame and overdone. You need something edgy and new. Then someone suggests fanning the cards out like a swastika and making a Nazi-themed version of Ring of Fire. "Perfect!" everyone shouts at once. "Let's add saluting the Fuhrer to the mix." What could go wrong?
The answer is: a lot. There were Jewish kids there. While it's always a bad idea to play Nazi-related games, it's much dumber to play one around someone who will certainly be offended. So naturally, a fight broke out and a Jewish student's nose was broken.
The typical official responses ensued:
The LSE said: "These are disturbing allegations relating to events which took place on a foreign trip organised by the students' union. Both the SU and LSE are investigating these events and are prepared to take disciplinary action if the allegations are shown to be true.
"Students must abide by clear standards of behaviour set by both LSE and the SU and breaches of those standards are taken very seriously. We do not tolerate antisemitism or any other form of racism."
Jay Stoll, president of the LSE's Jewish Society, said: "Nazi glorification and antisemitism have no place in our universities, which should remain safe spaces for all students.
"There is simply no context for what has happened here. Those who believe the game was all in good humour need to realise that when a Jewish student is subject to violence and the Nazi ideology glorified it is no joke but a spiteful, collective attack on a community."
Alex Peters-Day, general secretary of the students' union, said: "This is so at odds with everything the LSE and the union stands for."
Now, the students involved will be disciplined as well as at least somewhat publicly shamed. The lesson here, kids, is not to play Nazi-themed drinking games. Ku Klux Klan-drinking ones are more fun, easier to dress up for, and, for the Brits, far more exotic.
[Image via AP]