Hey there, hepcats of chat! Ready to live-blog tonight's episode of Project Runway All-Stars in the comments with us? We're gonna toss out catty comments quicker than Kenley Collins can toss a cat!

And like poor Kenley's cat, we'll have our claws out. Here's how you can add your own pointed barbs to the group discussion, if you haven't joined us before: Just turn on your TV with your laptop or keyboard handy, start watching tonight's episode (which airs at 9 Eastern on Lifetime), and post witty quips and observations about the show in the comments section below this post. You'll be purring along in no time.

The comments in our last live blog were the cat's pajamas! I've collected a few of my favorites here. Other highlights from last week included these:

  • Commenter dippitydoo came up with a new nickname for Mondo: "The Mexi-Pixie." I can't remember what our nickname for him was back in Season 8, can you? The outrage I felt when he was robbed of the victory seems to have erased everything else about that season from my memory.
  • We tried to invent a name for the strange grayish-purple color of April's hair. Commenter BabyJane came up with "gurple," which sounds about right to me.
  • Several commenters opined that Joanna Coles resembles Tilda Swinton. Should we change her nickname to "Tilda," I wonder, or just stick with "NTG" for "Not Tim Gunn"?
  • Commenter lime_green mused about how nice it would be if we could all hear that little snippet of Project Runway "winning guitar music" every time we achieved something good, like meeting a deadline. Which reminds me of something I discovered recently: Did you know that the music for this show was composed by a guy named Harold Barefoot Sanders III, and that you can buy it on CD? Well, now you do!

And here are a few other things you may not know—all involving what's in store on tonight's episode:

  • The challenge will be to design a "flamboyant cocktail dress" for Miss Piggy, who will serve as guest judge. Personally, I think Janice would be a better choice as a muppet judge, but I guess she doesn't have enough star power to land a reality-show gig like this.
  • In the workroom, Joanna Coles will ask Kenley: "How does a pig feel about wearing a giraffe print?" That sounds like one of those unanswerable "zen kōans" doesn't it? Given the circumstances of tonight's episode, however, it's probably just a practical question.
  • Costume designer Eric Daman is the other guest judge, which means that he's been handed the thankless task of being upstaged by a pig puppet. I hope he got paid well, at least.

OK, that's enough pussyfooting around from me—the show's about to start. I'll see you down in the comments!