I know you've all seen that "Honey Badger Don't Give a Shit" video. It's funny. Maybe a little too long, but it's cute. Well, TMZ caught up with Randall (one name, like Cher) the real dude who narrated it. Holy shit, Honey Badger is his real voice.

I thought it was a fake, like when I get my queen on and pretend to do the voices of Dustin and Jayden, Manhattan's most obnoxious homosexuals. But no. That is how he sounds all the time! And I never would have guessed the facial hair. For some reason, I always thought he looked like Broadway gadabout Seth Rudetsky. Guess not. (PS—Jayden wants to know, "Girl, where'd you get those glasses, girl?")

This Is What the Voice of the Honey Badger Video Looks Like
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