If a comment is uttered while Project Runway is on TV, and nobody is there to hear it, does it exist? There answer is no! And what good are nonexistent comments? So share your comments with us, and make them real! We're all live-blogging tonight's episode, and you're invited.

Sorry to get all philosophical there, but sometimes you have to ponder life's deeper mysteries in order to figure out what to do on a Thursday night. And now that we've figured out that joining this little chat party is the thing to do, here's how to do it, if you haven't done it before: Just settle down in front of your TV with your keyboard or computing device handy, start watching the show (which airs at 9 Eastern on Lifetime), and post a running commentary on the episode—along with the rest of us—in the comments section below this post. And be sure to remember our live-blogging motto: "dico ergo sum"—which, roughly translated, means "I comment, therefore I am."

Last week, we asserted our existence by posting many, many comments about a certain pink-felt pig, thanks to the last episode's "design an outfit for Miss Piggy" gimmick. Here's a selection of a few of the more memorable ones:

  • Doreen DelPurgatorio: I wish Olivier were here to complain about Miss Piggy's boobs.
  • NikkiChicky: I'm not sure Miss Piggy should be wearing something that exposes so much felt. She seems a little more classy than that.
  • Otterbird: Any designer who has the guts to tell the L'Oreal guy to "make the model look a little more porcine" would become my automatic favorite.
  • robina the first: So "Fashion's dream client" is made of cardboard and felt, with a hand stuck up its ass?
  • GoOnWithoutMe: @robina the first: I believe you just described Kate Moss.

And there were many more pig quips where those came from. I've collected more memorable comments from last week—both muppet- and non-muppet-related—in this separate "highlights" post, so you may want to check that before the show gets underway tonight. And speaking of tonight's episode, here are a few things to watch for as we live-blog it:

  • The designers will have only six hours to create their looks, in a challenge that host Angela Lindvall will proudly declare is "the fastest in Project Runway history"—as though that were a good thing. So expect to see a lot of poorly made, rush-job outfits on the runway tonight.
  • One of the guest judges will be wrap-dress pioneering designer Diane von Furstenberg, who will attempt to restore some dignity to the Project Runway challenge-judging process after last week's muppet fiasco.
  • The other judge will be Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr—who, according to Wikipedia, actually appeared on Project Runway once back in her pre-celebrity days, as one of the nameless runway models for Season 2's final Fashion Week collections in 2006. Fortunately for Miranda, she was modeling for Daniel Vosovic back then, not Chloe Dao—otherwise, she would have covered in padded couch upholstery like the all the models in Chloe's runway show.

OK, gang, it's almost time to get this live blog started, so I'll see you down in the comments. Remember: dico ergo sum!