An Important Announcement Regarding Your Gawker Political Desk: Goodbye

Tuesday greetings from the Gawker Political Desk! We have some news: This will be the last post for its main political writer, me.
I am leaving to fulfill my lifelong dream: Building a golden shrine to our nation's Romulus and Remus of the future, Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain, in the Secret Forest. It's an option, at least. (No.)
Let's not waste too much time here.
I'm going to miss, in no particular order, Adrian, Hamilton, Max, Leah, Brian, Ryan, Maureen, John, Matt and all the others who've come and gone or simply gone since I started here in June 2010. Well, maybe not Max, who is a space monster. (I love you, Max). It's the best team I've ever worked with and the most talented and deepest Gawker staff of all time, EVER.
I'm going to miss my regular Gawker readers and commenters equally, or perhaps even more. (Irregular commenters are okay too.)
Thanks to our good friends Mittens "Willard" Romney, Newt Gingrich, Herman "Herb" Cain, Michele Bachmann, RON PAUL!, Timmy "Two Percent" Pawlenty, television news' Wolf Blitzer, television meatball Donald Trump, the morning muppets of Fox News' illiterate dementia variety hour Fox & Friends, Scottsdale porn scribe Rep. Ben Quayle, anti-onanist fiend Christine O'Donnell, the website PolitiFact, that funny guy from that video, the other one from the other video, and all the others who've provided so much comical content over the past 20 months.
Where you'll find me now: Next week I'm going to be guest-blogging with my good friend Ken Layne and his staff at Wonkette, the first Gawker Media site that hired me to write about politics in 2007. It's going to be fun. I'm hoping to contribute more to The Guardian's US site. I have a lengthy piece that will appear in next month's relaunch edition of The Baffler about my experience in a high school monetary policy competition. (Seriously.)
Otherwise I'm looking for opportunities and would love to get in touch with your media enterprise.
You can reach me here at for the next several days while I sort through the 113,884 emails (100,318 unread) in my inbox. Any other information I have about myself will be posted on my updated-once-per-year Tumblr, which currently features a ranking of the best Destroyer albums (Streethawk first then a tie between Thief and City of Daughters, btw) as its most recent post. I am also on the Twitter and will be posting bad political jokes there for the rest of time.
Gawker, you're going places.