[There was a video here]

Another day, another amateur video of a bunch of NYPD officers brutally beating some guy in the Bronx as he lays helpless on the ground, and then pepper spraying (or threatening to) the bystander who was filming said beating. The officers in the video have been stripped of their badges and are being investigated by the DA.

I guess what makes this police brutality video interesting is just how corpulent and slow-moving this vicious pack of soldier cops is. Just look at those porky porkers, swinging their billy clubs as sweat from the corrupt exertion soaks their stinking, moist undergarments. This group of grossly obese badge whores could legitimately argue that they had to brutally beat the teenage suspect, lest he amble away slowly on foot, easily outpacing the best pursuit efforts of the entire grease-laden squadron of knish-eating Keystone Kops.

Bunch of fat ass cops. Donuts, and whatnot. Man, you dirty cops are fat.

[NYT/ World Star Hip Hop]