[There was a video here]

On bad days, do you ever think to yourself, "How could my daily commute be worse?"

There are lots of creative answers to that question, but K, a woman who wrote in after seeing yesterday's latest subway perv on the site, may have found the perfect recipe: Just wait for a mohawked guy in camo pants and a walking boot to jack off—and finish!—at you on the train.

Yeah, no one's allowed to complain about their commute anymore. Here's K's story from last March:

I was just reading my book, not expecting to get any action on my commute home on a pretty full train. Then a kind, observant lady leans over and whispers, "Just so you know, the guy across the aisle is masturbating and watching you." Oh really? Is it my lucky day? I peek up with trepidation. Truly, he is, HE IS! I look back down at my book while I try to gather my wits. The informer giggles uncomfortably, which allows me to handle this with a little humor. I fish for my phone and prop it on my lap, capturing this gem of a video. You can see him realize he's being documented halfway through. But does that deter him? Why no, it does not. He is fully committed to his task. He finishes! Then turns bashful. But not so bashful that he doesn't find the courage to ask me to be his girlfriend on his way off the train.

She says that after her hopeful suitor exited the train, everybody on the car "glanced at each other and kind of giggled uncomfortably." She never reported the incident to police, but hopes that "broadcasting his mug across the inter web might be helpful."

Yesterday's disclaimer applies here as well, but this is a clear, undisputed case of lewd behavior and harassment in the middle of a crowded train. Straphangers, please unite against the subway pervs if you have the opportunity. Commutes are bad enough as it is.

In the meantime, K, you deserve a town car for life.