Today, Michelin spokesman Newt Gingrich berated the Manhattan elites who "ride the subway"; last month, he scolded them for "writing for fancy newspapers" and "rid[ing] the metro." But as non-members of the elite class, we had to ask ourselves: is it really true that elites ride the subway?

A thorough investigation of our own archives reveals that the answer is "yes." Here are all the reports we've received of New York elites on our "metro."

[There was a video here]

Bill Keller, who writes for a fancy newspaper, spotted on the B train.

[There was a video here]

And here's Arianna Huffington, heading off to an elite high rise.

[There was a video here]

Guess who this is? That's right: New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

[There was a video here]

A tipster sent us this rousing intellectual debate between Peggy Noonan and Maureen Dowd.

Times op-ed writer David Brooks on his way to "the Tower of News."

And finally, our old friend Brian Williams, making friends on the subway.