[There was a video here]

Bill Maher is going to be performing tonight in Silicon Valley, and unless your company just filed for a kagillion-dollar IPO, you probably won't be there.

But there is still hope! In an industry first, Bill Maher's stand-up show CrazyStupidPolitics: Bill Maher Live From Silicon Valley will be streaming exclusively on Yahoo! Screen—for free! To watch, all you have to do is go to Yahoo! Screen tonight at 10:30 ET/7:30 PT. Maher (who recently authored The New New Rules: A Funny Look at How Everybody But Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass) will be doling out his brutally funny take on politics, news, and the currently absurd state of our union—and you can experience it live and uncensored without having to go through the arduous task of putting on pants!

For more info about tonight's real-time stream of CrazyStupidPolitics: Bill Maher Live From Silicon Valley (and to log into Yahoo! Screen), head here now.