In this week's mailbag roundup, we heard from someone who wants us to contract AIDS and another who has had enough of all this Hummer hate we haven't been spewing. Read below for this week's (rather brief) batch of hate mail:

Man Very Sincere and Somber About Gawker's Imminent Doom

Dear AJ,

I am writing to express my concern over what I feel to be a very sharp decline in the quality of Gawker's content over the past few weeks. I love the site. I've been a daily reader for years. I can't help feel, however, that the content has gotten more salacious, less original and less (for lack of a much better term) smart.

I hope there are some changes to these changes in the works. Get with it again, please. What the hell else am I supposed to read?

Lady Who Probably Lives Alone Thinks That Post About Living Alone Was Kind of Judgmental

I really didn't take the same point away from the New York Times article as you did. The article showed both positive and negative aspects to those social limitations placed on the behavior of who live alone. The term "insane" is judgmental and pejorative and exaggerates the negative aspects that the NYT articles does describe.

Don Larson, Hummer Apologist, is Upset About a Disparaging Hummer Post We're Not Sure Exists

Why do you feel it necessary to point out multiple times in that story that he was driving a Hummer. Do you think that if he were driving a different type of vehicle that things would have been different?

Don Larson

IMO This Might Be About Downton Abbey

I'm wondering what films you do like. Considering your language, I'd say action, loud noise, little conversation. Believe it or not, there was more to each episode than who did what with whom. Did you spend any time looking at sets and costumes, or thinking about politics and history, or the background of each character and what made him or her this way? If you did not like a character, maybe it was because you were not supposed to like him or her. IMO your observation skills and writing need a lot of work.

Hope You Get AIDS, Have a Great Weekend, Bye!

You are one sick-minded moron. Your articles are perverted and disgusting. I hope one day you will get AIDS, and that will be the time I will have a smile on my face.