The Celebrity Gifting Suite People Are Unhappy With Our Coverage

Amy Boatwright is one of the owners of Secret Room Events, "Hollywood's Most Exclusive Product Placement Company." She had minor acting roles on films such as "The Third Wheel" and "Even Money." She's run celebrity gifting suites in conjunction with the Academy Awards for years. She is upset with us.

On February 7, her firm sent us an (unsolicited) email inviting us to "join us in honoring the 84th Academy Awards at the Red Carpet Luxury Lounge" in Beverly Hills on February 22. I accepted their invitation. I went to the Secret Room gifting lounge, and wrote this story. Amy Boatwright did not like the story. First, she sent this email:
Nice article. Definatley slander. Definatley worth contacting an attorney for. And I will.
How so you sleep at night writing horrible things like that?
Karma does come back.
And then:
It has come to our attention the Hamilton Nolan has written a very unessessary and hateful article slandering our name and Gawker had released it. This negative article affects our business name greatly. What was written is not true in any way.
Hamilton also named some of our sponsors and slandered them as well. These sponsors also are going to take action as well.
I suggest you remove the article asap. We have contacted our attorney to deal with this. Trust me. I will not let down until this is resolved.
Amy Boatwright
Secret Room Events
And, after a brief reply from Gawker's attorney she replied again:
It is slander. Photos were taken at our event and used in the article and we did not give Hamilton or anyone from Gawker photo access.
We want the article removed or atleast anything to do with our event and sponsors removed from the article.
It would be a lot easier to do this rather than draw it out further. Otherwise you can communicate with our attorney.
Separately, I received the following emails (Subject line: "You Are Pis-ow SHEET!!! ....As Hol FUCKING MORAN ARE LOOSER .....Bich I You Will Pay Idiot For you Bad Languish !!!") from one "Karl Foster." I believe them to also be referring to the gifting suites story:
FUCKING Loser why you dod not jump now from the roof of your house, Maybe It will help you stupid head to understand something
What we did to you tell me? why you writhe about us shit !!!
. Look at you self in live how you are, Did you do anything help full to any bady? whot you do only eat sleep and shit !!!
We will have Justis with... You are assault ur name company in you Writings
We are respected company and we donate our products to many Events!!! and people. And people who need help
Could this be related to our mysterious phone message from earlier today? We cannot say for sure.
In any case. The Oscars.
I Went to the Pre-Oscar Celebrity Gifting Suites and All I Got Was This Sense of Disgust
[Photo via Getty]