This Is the Best Final Paragraph of Any Fluff Piece Ever

In honor of Leap Year tomorrow, Reuters posted a light article brimming with Leap Year-inspired fluff. The article patiently waits for Raenell Dawn and Peter Brouwer, the founders of the Honor Society for Leap Year Day Babies, to list off the inconveniences "leapers" face: rare birthdays, calendar complications, issues with the DMV, etc.
And then, hidden among the pink cotton candy cloud words, we have this concluding paragraph:
For most people, February 29 is a quirky extra day to enjoy life but for at least one person it's Doomsday. Arizona death row inmate Robert Henry Moormann, 63, is scheduled to be executed on Leap Day for beating, stabbing and strangling his adoptive mother and dismembering her body during a "compassionate furlough" from prison to visit her in 1984.
Boom. Happy Leap Year, y'all.