Georgina Bloomberg (pictured, atop steed) is the 29 year-old daughter of billionaire New York mayor-for-life Mike Bloomberg. But she's not just your typical rich kid. Oh no. She's charted her own path and earned a reputation for being "free-spirited," according to Manhattan magazine. Deservedly so!

"She got this rep by forgoing an Ivy League school (she graduated from N.Y.U.'s Gallatin School, where she studied art and sports management), pursuing a career in horse riding rather than a more traditional business profession," FYI. And now, Georgina is proving her independence once again in a free-spirited and hardcore fashion by publishing her second book. What's it about?

[The] black-sheep storyline is one that she mines quite effectively in her second young-adult novel, My Favorite Mistake, which just hit bookshelves. The brisk read revolves around Tommi, a competitive horse rider with a challenging relationship with her Ivy League–educated older sister (Georgina's sis, Emma, is a Princeton grad) and an urge to prove to her billionaire father that her horse-riding career is respectable. Bloomberg shrugs off the comparisons, saying, "There's a part of me in every character."

Her first novel centered on the daughter of a "blunt-talking Wall Street billionaire who lives in a Manhattan townhouse and 'owns half of New York.'"

That girl is creative.

[Manhattan. Photo: Getty]