[There was a video here]

Did you know that Mitt Romney is a homo-loving pro-gay fetishist who wants your children to be taught by cross-dressing gay soldiers? That's the upshot of a bizarre new pro- Santorum robocall going out to Ohio voters today.

A tipster sent in the audio of the call, which purports to be from a group called "Jews and Christians Together." We've dressed it up with a little visual flair for you. Here's the transcript:

Hi, my name is Brian Camenker; I'm a Jew from Massachusetts. And this is Darcy Brandon; I'm a Christian from California. If you believe as we do that marriage and sexuality should only be between a man and a woman, please help us stop Mitt Romney. As Governor, Romney signed "Gay Youth Pride Day" declarations, promoted homosexuality in our elementary schools, and unconstitutionally ordered state officals to make Massachusetts America's first same-sex marriage state. Romney supports open homosexuality in the military, the appointment of homosexual judges, and the ENDA law, making it illegal to fire a man who wears a dress and high heels to work, even if he's your kid's teacher. When you vote tomorrow, please vote for social sanity and Rick Santorum, not for homosexuality and Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum is the only candidate who can be trusted to uphold traditional marriage, a straight military, and the rights of American children to have both a mother and a father. This message paid for by JewsandChristiansTogether.org and not authorized by any candidate. To get the facts before you vote, visit JewsandChristiansTogether.org.

Sarah Posner at Religion Dispatches has some background on the atrocious people behind the message. Anyway, don't forget: Mitt Romney is a homosexual.

Video by Matt Toder