[There was a video here]

Tonight's season finale of Portlandia was a rather different beast than previous episodes: instead of a series of sketches with one recurring story, "Brunch Village" was one story that brought a few characters together. While it wasn't as strong as some previous episodes, the journey that Peter took from indecisive wimp to conquering hero was well rendered, with the added layer of him claiming a decisive victory over indecision. Plus, lampooning brunch is right in the show's wheelhouse.

So that's it for season two of Portlandia, I thought most of it worked really well. With something as kitschy and zeitgeisty as this show, it can be easy to fall into a second season trap where inflated expectations don't gel with no longer fresh material and I think Fred and Carrie did a fine job of avoiding that pitfall. While it's true that no singular sketch reached the height of "This Bar is Over" or "Put a Bird On It," the season really hit its stride in the middle episodes and came off really nicely.