Five Thousand Word Blog Post Is 96% Copy-Pasted Wikipedia Entry

Amid the debate over the commenting and attribution issues on popular internet sites, one online mogul is charting his own editorial course for the future of blogging: just copy/ pasting entire Wikipedia articles.
That is exactly what Henry Blodget, millionaire owner of Business Insider, did today on this inexplicable post, "Afghanistan Shootings A Horrifying Echo Of The My Lai Massacre In The Vietnam War." Henry himself wrote 200 words on the topic. And then, below that, he pasted the entire Wikipedia entry on "My Lai Massacre."
All 4,800 words of it.
What the fuck are you doing over there, Henry? Everything okay? Also, not one commenter mentioned the fact that you just pasted an entire 4,800-word Wikipedia entry, complete with photos, at the bottom of your 200-word post. What the fuck is wrong with you, commenters? And will you come over here? We have lots of embarrassing shit for you to ignore, also.