Glorious Spring has arrived! And I can't think of a better way to celebrate it than to sit on the couch, watch a TV show and group-chat about it online—can you? Of course not! Especially when the show in question is P.R. All Stars Season Finale, and the group-chatters are the witty commenters who've gathered here to live-blog this show all winter long. So be sure to go outside and soak up some sun tomorrow—but tonight, stay in and join our live blog in the comments!

If you haven't participated in this chat party before, it's easy! Just watch the show (which starts at 9 pm on Lifetime) and post a running commentary about what you see in the comments section. The rest of us will be doing the same. To get an idea of how it works, check out this selection of a few of my favorite comments from last week's live blog.

Before I discuss what's in store on tonight's episode, I want to mention a couple quick things. First, a reminder: I've scheduled an informal meetup for commenters who participate in these live blogs (or anyone else who wants to join us) tomorrow, from 7 to 10 pm at the Westside Tavern on West 23rd Street. So if you're in Manhattan this Friday night, stop by!

Second, I want report the results of the "pop quiz" I posed during last week's live blog, when I asked commenters this question: Can you name the three children's-story characters we've compared Mondo, Austin and Michael to in our live blogs this season? The answers are:

As it turned out, no commenter got all three right, although Pywacket and Lobster_Roll both correctly guessed two out of three (Pinocchio and Eeyore). Lizawithazee was the only commenter to correctly cite the poor little misfit Hermey. Remember him? He only wanted to be a dentist!

So, in tonight's little hour-long TV fable, Pinocchio, Eeyore and Hermey will travel to the Land of Misfit Reality Show Finalists to present their final collections—which, in keeping with the general "everything is inferior" quality of this All Star version of the show, they had only four days to make instead of the usual two-to-three months. Also, unlike regular Project Runway seasons, this runway show was a privately-staged affair rather than a press-attended event at New York Fashion Week, so there aren't any photos of the complete collections posted on the Internet for us to gawk at in advance. But Lifetime has posted sneak-peak photos of one piece from each collection, in case you want to take a look. I did, and I liked Mondo's and Austin's pieces quite a bit. Michael's look, on the other hand, just made me feel sad inside. Like a sad cloth donkey.

Here are a few other things to watch for on tonight's episode:

  • The guest judge will be Tommy Hilfiger, famous for fathering the rapper Rich Hil, one of Gawker's Most Loathsome Characters of 2011. Mr. Hilfiger has also does some fashion-design stuff, too… or so I've heard.
  • Mondo will sport a new "Jimmy Neutron"-style ‘do—I guess because it's the "Official Hairstyle of Short People Who Are Geniuses" or something?
  • During the limousine ride to the runway show, Austin will announce that he's having a "fashion orgasm"—probably the first orgasm to occur in the back of that limo that wasn't senior-prom-related.
  • Isaac Mizrahi will complain that one collection "looks inexpensive" – which just makes me miss Nina "Looks Expensive" Garcia more than I already did.

And Mondo will probably win, of course, because we're all expecting that. Lifetime must atone for gretchengate, after all. So while tonight's outcome is unlikely to be surprising, but it will probably be very gratifying—much like hosting this live blog and chatting with all your great folks has been for me. You guys are so brilliant and funny, it's been an honor for me just to hang out with all of you over the years.

So let's head down to the comments one last time, shall we? And then let's all go outside tomorrow—It's going to be a beautiful day!