New Yorkers! This summer, don't stand on a pier and be deafened by a PA the size of a Water Taxi! Don't sit on a pile of sticks directly behind a gigantic tree as your favorite band plays a football-field-length away! Instead, go to the Governors Ball—a legitimate music festival with all the trimmings taking place within your city's borders, on a fantastical place covered in green, green grass known as Randall's Island.

This year's lineup includes summer-friendly acts like Beck, Fiona Apple, Chromeo, Passion Pit, Santigold, Explosions in the Sky, Built to Spill, Freelance Whales, and Cults, among others. While you ponder the magnitude of what you just read, let's review some canicular scenarios that do and do not conjure up sweet thoughts of summer:

Doesn't conjure "summer fun": Tiptoeing over concrete on which you can cook an egg to get to Rockaway Beach.

Conjures "summer fun": Shaking it at a Silent Disco in the sunshine at the Governors Ball!

Doesn't conjure "summer fun": Lounging in front of a chain-link fence listening to your iPod.

Conjures "summer fun": Playing lawn sports like bocce, corn hole, ladder ball and croquet at the Governors Ball!

Doesn't conjure "summer fun": Squeezing yourself into a kiddie pool on your urban patio.

Conjures "summer fun": Jumping in one of the photo booths placed on Randall's Island to capture all the fun you are having with your fun friends at the Governors Ball!

Doesn't conjure "summer fun": Dangling a half-frozen wiener over a busted-ass hibachi.

Conjures "summer fun": Choosing between local eateries Luke's Lobster, Asia Dog, Taco Truck, Pie for the People, and Wafels & Dinges for your festival snacks!

The Governors Ball Music Festival takes place on Randall's Island on June 23 & 24. Watch the video above for the full lineup and get your tickets now! Then, prepare to dance your pants off.