The gossip mercenaries at TMZ are reporting that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are "dating for real," and went on a movie date to see The Hunger Games last night. This fascinating development raises the following questions:

  • Does this mean Media Takeout's photo of Kanye "NEKKID and giving BACKSHOTS" to a woman whose body looks suspiciously like Kim's was real?
  • How did that photo happen, anyway? In terms of balance and iPhone exposure time, they must have paused mid-fuck to pose for that picture, right?
  • Or is this all a publicity stunt to make everyone listen to Kanye's new song, in which he raps, "I admit I fell in love with Kim… round the same time she fell in love with him… lucky I ain't make Jay drop him from the team"? That last bit is a reference to Jay-Z owning Kris Humphries' basketball team. Update: The song keeps getting removed from the internet. So, that may answer that.
  • If Kim was banging Kanye when she was supposed to be with Kris, then their neverending divorce battle is about to get a lot juicier. (Not a question. Sorry, can't contain myself.)
  • Could Kim actually get higher ratings for a second televised wedding, if the groom was Kanye West?

Kimye. Kanyashian. Discuss. [TMZ, image via Splash News]