"Operation: Game Over" Purges 3,500 Sex Offenders From Online Gaming Sites

"Operation: Game Over"—an initiative undertaken by New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman—recently purged over 3,500 registered sex offenders from online gaming sites. Sexual predators are using voice and text chat functions on the interactive games to troll for victims. One 19-year old Monroe county man pled guilty to sexual abuse charges after luring a 12-year old boy to his apartment; they met on XBox Live. The initiative was backed with widespread support from the gaming industry, with Microsoft, Apple, Blizzard Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Disney Interactive Media Group, Warner Brothers and Sony participating in the plan.
Bad-guy buster and all around justice-seeker John Walsh commends the attorney general for getting the sex offenders out of "their private, perverted hunting ground." New York—ahead of the curve.