The public relations industry is at best comical, at worst evil, and, for the most part, a simpering crab pot of truth-twisting and careerist ego stroking. This is PR Dummies. Sticking our hand in the pot, once a week.

This week: you will care about chins, if it's the last thing the PR industry does.

From: [PR Dummy]
Subject: Who's Getting Chin Implants?

Why are chin implants the fastest growing plastic surgery in 2011 with a 76 percent increase over the past year – are women trying to look like Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon? Are men trying to get the George Clooney chin? What sparked this new surgery phenomenon and what are the perks of a well-defined chin? Our Board Certified plastic surgeons can answer those questions and explain how it works to balance out your face or make you look sexier. Also, what celebrities could have had this chin procedure done in 2011? Our surgeons have some guesses!

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you,


Mmm, I dunno. Are chins really that hot of a trend, in these modern times?

From: [PR Dummy Number Two]
Subject: Who has the chin to win the White House?

Hi [Reporter],

Forget the speeches, campaign visits and political positioning, who LOOKS the most presidential?

The answer could be in their CHIN. Check out this video where an expert evaluates who has the "Chin to Win the White House."

Dr. Darrick Antell has spent years studying chins—on celebrities, CEO's, and presidents. Now, new statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show he's on the cutting edge of a skyrocketing trend. Bigger, better chins!

You may have seen the story on major outlets earlier this week. Dr. Antell is available for an interview if you would like to discuss his thoughts on the presidential candidates further.

Need more information? Feel free to contact me.

Media Relations Specialist, MediaSource

Bigger, better chins!

[Thanks to everyone who submitted. Please send your own PR Dummies nominations here.]