After multiple attempts to take down the privacy invading night terror known as Is Anyone Up? — a website that infamously invited readers to submit "pornographic souvenirs from relationships gone sour," complete with personal details — founder Hunter Moore has decided to take the site offline himself.

Tired of the "legal drama" and the stabbings that come with having photos of "little naked kids" submitted to his mean-spirited grudge dump, the "revenge porn" pioneer today announced he was shutting down the site, effective immediately.

In a wordy farewell letter posted on (the site to which now redirects) Moore says that, through his friendship with BullyVille founder James McGibney — a controversial figure in his own right — he came to realize "the damage that online bullying can cause," and has decided to channel his "talents in the programming and social networking" to benefit people rather than do them harm.

His follow-up endeavor? Organizing parties to raise money for charities.

On Twitter, Moore is having a blast re-tweeting comments from people who don't quite buy his transformation. "Dear @Huntermoore, your letter is a joke. You're a scumbag and a horrible human being. Attempting to salvage your soul is pointless," writes one well wisher.

But Moore has turned a page and is above the bickering and vindictive bravado now, right? Nah. "ill fuck everyone you know and get them pregnant and lie about you and you'll still be on my dick because i have hella followers on twitter."