This morning Andy Richter tweeted, "Possibly the most insulting thing ever" with a link to these shoes. For $525, you can show off your paint-splattered shoes without ever having to lift a brush. One of Richter's followers, Ivan Khatchatourian, countered with a slashed army t-shirt on sale for $1,137.50.

This is gross, but it's not unprecedented. And I think it's worth distinguishing the tennis shoes and t-shirt from less egregious "boho chic" attire. As Lena Dunham's Girls character Hannah says — by way of Dolly Parton — "It costs a lot of money to look this cheap." Spending more to dress down may be problematic, but it's not as much of a "fuck you" as, say, buying a duvet cover that resembles a homeless person's cardboard box.

Now, I know comments are still disabled — yes, yes, this is the worst thing that's ever happened to anyone — but I want to hear from you. What are the most expensive items you can buy that look cheap? And not just cheap: borderline offensive. How much can one pay to look like he or she works for below minimum wage? Bonus points if you include a photo of yourself with the item, even though, yes, you will be outed.

Send your submissions to me via email,