Here's Brian McKnight's Ode To Female Ejaculation
[There was a video here]
Yesterday, Brian McKnight, responsible for lite '90s R&B hits like "One Last Cry," "Back at One" and "Love Is" (with Vanessa Williams), posted a song on his YouTube to serve as a preview for his then-upcoming "adult mixtape." The chorus went: "Let me show you how your pussy works / Betcha didn't know that it could squirt / I have lots of things to show you / If you're ready to learn." That he sang this in his signature squeaky clean croon on top of easy listening keyboards made the irony that much more hilarious. People were outraged.
It's so ridiculous, because all of those ostensibly sensitive, buttery R&B ballads McKnight is responsible for are basically saying the same thing (or at least aiming for the same place). Also, this song is hilarious. But the feedback on Twitter and YouTube was too much for McKnight, who eventually removed the song while lamenting his diminished status in the music industry. Highlights from his Twitter are to the left (to the left).

In its place, McKnight posted the innocuous "Live Without You" ("okay back to the safe love songs" reads its description). This feels kind of tragic, doesn't it? McKnight hasn't had a hit in over 10 years and he's painfully aware of it. Here's a guy who's been chewed up and spit out like labia and lived to lament it on Twitter. Oh well, at least he's proud of having trended. I really hope he reverses his mind once again and releases that adult mixtape because the song above (let's call it "Squirt"?) is just about the best thing he's ever released. No one's talking so explicitly and so affably about sex in R&B right now. We need this.
Then again, if McKnight's going to pull out that quickly, I don't know if I'd trust him to show me how my pussy works. But maybe that's just me.