Cornel Hrisca-Munn was born with no forearms, a severely deformed leg, and days to live. His odds of survival grew considerably worse when he was dropped at an infamous Romanian orphanage for unwanted children "and left to die."

Still, he took every short shrift he was given and managed to live long enough to be adopted by a British couple who raised him to be an inspiration to others. An accomplished swimmer and model citizen, his primary love is drums, which he taught himself.

On YouTube as Cornelmunn, the 20-year-old from Whittington, Worcestershire, who was a runner-up at a national drumming competition, records himself performing contemporary hits on his kit like a pro.

Did I mention he is also a member of the jazz orchestra at Oxford University, where he is currently studying studying philosophy and theology? Yeah.

And what have you done today?

[H/T: Daily of the Day]