Man With Surname of 'Boner' Does Something Newsworthy

So then, it seems that Rutherford County property assessor Bill Boner finds himself the target of sexual harassment allegations. And yes, right on cue, all of you out there, the peanut gallery, the kindergarten chorus, all chuckle and snicker and make your clever puns about the man's name.
What is so funny? A "Boner?" Do you find it amusing that his surname makes you think of something lewd—an erect penis, specifically? Let's all just cackle and moan over the comedic elements of erect penises, eh? Is that how you approach this story? What, I wonder, does it say about you, that you find erect penises to be such an object of fascination and delight? What might your mother think if she knew of your boundless interest in erect penises? Should I call her now, and ask? "Your child is tittering and slobbering over erect penises, ma'am. Yes, I said 'erect penises.' Your child is quite in love with erect penises. I just thought that you should know." Would you like that? Would you like that? Would you like that as much an erect penis? Yeah, you like that.
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