When Denise Abbott's 13-year-old daughter spoke to her disrespectfully, she didn't get mad — she got even on Facebook.

The Akron woman posted a shopped profile photo of Ava silenced by a white-on-red X, along with the following message: "I do not know how to keep my (mouth shut). I am no longer allowed on Facebook or my phone. Please ask why. My mom says I have to answer everyone that asks."

To the 30 or so Nosey Nellies who just had to know why, Abbott made Ava send the following e-mail:

I feel like I deserved it because I was mean to my mom and spoke disrespectful to her in front of my friends. Facebook is a big part of my social life, and it's how me and my friends find out what is going on and making plans and about school work and projects. It made me realize that I didn't want my picture on there like that because all of my friends were asking me what happened and what I did. I told the people that asked me and my mom why that I spoke to my mom mean when she was doing nice stuff for me and my friends. I know my mom always makes sure I don't get away with stuff like that and I was sorry. Thank you, Ava.

When asked if she thought her punishment fit the crime, Abbott responded: "You have to adapt your parenting skills with the times."

[AllFacebook, image via Facebook via WPTV]